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Mystery Case:

  • Each team is presented with a group of puzzles, or clues, which teams must solve in order to find a piece of information.


  • Each clue leads to a location within walking distance, where players must find and use a vital piece of information to answer a question. 


  • This information could be words from a historical plaque, a series of numbers or an address, a landmark, or any other unique item that many of us walking down the street might merely pass by, unless we were looking for it.

  • Teams travel through the streets of the playing area racing to see who will be first to find all of the information. 


  • After solving all the clues teams will return their answer sheets to the designated endpoint. 


  • The earliest entry with the most correct answers wins.

Rules and Regulations:

1. Soon after the scheduled start time the hunt will begin.  Then and only then should you open you clue packets and view the clues.


2.Teams must be at the same clue site at the same time, and you must stay within sight and earshot of each other. 


3.Team members should not use cell phones to communicate, unless you’ve become separated for some reason.


4.All members should be present when you submit your answers.


5.There are no partially correct answers, and no extra points will be offered.

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